koorosh parchamiThis inquiry has been consulted. > qa

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koorosh parchamiThis inquiry has been consulted.

페이지 정보

작성자 koorosh parcham… 작성일 23-06-16 02:46 조회 562 댓글 0


NAME koorosh parchami
EMAIL koorosh.parchami@medexirco.com
TELEPHONE 00989135440946
Dear overseas sales manager.
MedExir company has emerged in different segments of the beauty market as a leading company in
terms of marketing, branding and sales. Also, with the aim of scientific awareness and valuing
aesthetic medical community members, this company has taken unique crucial steps to be
considered by medical doctors as a like-minded vocational companion and consultant which plays a
major role beyond having rote marketing interactions with them.
Our wide connections as well as extensive distribution channels across the country allow us to
expand the scope of marketing branding faster. In addition, we have the ability to register products
under representation in Iran FDA and this is important and differentiating subject of our company.
We always take steps in the development of communication and products and cooperate with
business partners in advancing common goals.
We have various and quality products under agency and we would like to start our cooperation based
on mutual benefits and would like to communicate with you about the conditions of cooperation and
also to review other matters to start cooperation.
If you want, we can be in touch via email or WhatsApp.
Website: medexirco.com
Instagram: medexir.co
Email: info@medexirco.com
Email: koorosh.parchami@medexirco.com (CEO)
WhatsApp: 00989135440946
Sincerely yours
Dr.Koorosh Parchami

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